Our Residential Care Services program provide services and supports to individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) living in the community...
Read MoreDream Vision offers Day Service programs to suit each individual’s needs. Our staff are trained to not only offer practicing work skills but also daily living skills that are joyous to the individual being served
Read MoreTo find out if you or your loved one qualify for services, Contact Sedgwick County Community Developmental Disability Organization. The SCDDO is responsible for service eligibility in our area.
Read MoreDream Vision is a day and residential Service provider that is currently providing services in Sedgwick county and Johnson County, Kansas. Our mission is to customize day and residential services based on the individuals we are providing services to, hence improving their life skills, quality of life and experiences. We are here to serve you, your daughter, son or loved one at the highest level of care and compassion.